How to be Like Michael Dadoun, Montreal CEO and Business Hero

Helping startups to become stalwarts in business is a great feat. Michael Dadoun, Montreal based businessman, is one of the CEOs who has helped UpClick start from scratch and take it to the zenith of success. He is the co-founder and the leader of this company.

Today, UpClick is a roaring business. Starting a business is a challenge. Equally challenging is running a roaring business. This brings a lot of obstacles, animosities, threats, and, no doubt, opportunities. How to deal with each of these is what a CEO must be an expert at. Otherwise, it is easy to get crushed under pressure and quit.

Carving a niche

Michael Dadoun  UpClick leader, has helped the company earn a great reputation in the online world and otherwise. The company has a wide clientele thanks to its reliability, ethics, and deliverance of perfect customer service.

Michael has successfully harnessed opportunities and taken obstacles by his stride. He has dealt well with competition and set an example for other CEOs to work ethically and be on top. He has toppled the belief that you need to embrace black hat tricks to reach the pinnacle.

Dedication plays a role

Whatever you do, you must give your complete attention to it. Give your fullest potential to the work and see the results. Michael Dadoun, Montreal CEO, has this beautiful quality to never do things half-heartedly. He puts his whole being in whatever he does. Perhaps that’s why he succeeds in almost everything… and then people call him “lucky.” Little do people know that a lot of hard work goes in “becoming lucky.”

The trust factor

It is said that if you want somebody to be more responsible, give them an important task and trust them. By doing this, you make the person obliged to keep your trust and this makes him or her do the task responsibly. People are often found to shine in this manner. This is how you help people discover their abilities and also form a bond with them. Michael is a pro in building trust and helping people recognize their capabilities.

Want to be like Michael Dadoun, Montreal resident and entrepreneur? You first need to be ready to burn the midnight oil. Work with passion. Be positive. Spread energy and enthusiasm. Learn to take failures in your stride. Be not afraid of competition and challenges. Show empathy. Others are human like you. Follow a disciplined, focused approach. Make things happen; don’t just sit there dreaming.